A typical day at Whimple Pre-school
This is an example of a typical day - timings are approximate!
9am Welcome, children to self register using name cards. Children settle in and choose an activity of their choice.
9.15 'Morning Time' - Special helper of the day rings the bell to ask everyone to gather into a circle.
Sing 'hello song'. We then do a 5 minute wake up fun movement session .
Children then sit in a circle. Special helper counts the children, plan of the day, news sharing etc.
9.25 Free play - children choose an an activity - a planned variety each day of child led and adult led/supported. There is a choice of activities such as role play, small world play, painting, play dough or other maleable play, creative, sometimes baking or a maths game. If the weather is ok, then the door is open and activities are taken in the garden too.
10am 'Snack café' open – children choose to have snack when they wish to. Usually 5 at a time, children are helped to wash their hands beforehand, select their snack and are offered milk or water which they can pour themselves, An adult sits with them and encourages good manners, independence with cutting up fruit etc. Snack time is a great opportunity for friendly chatter at the table and developing good communication and language skills.
10.45 am Tidy up time - all children are expected and encouraged to help tidy up the toys.
11 – 11.40 Outside play – more physical activities out eg. ride on toys, climbing frame, balls, hoops, mud kitchen, dolls and prams etc.
11.45 Carpet time – singing / story / music / letters and sounds
12.00 End of morning session
Lunchtime - children and staff have packed lunches together. This is a very relaxed, friendly time where lots of chatter takes place to encourage communication skills as well as promoting good eating habits and independence
When children finish their lunch they can choose quiet activities eg. Puzzles, books, scrap books, construction or if weather is good we go outside for play if children want to.
1pm Some children may go home at this time
1.30pm Tidy up and rest time. After children have eaten lunch and had a play, we usually have quiet time with a story cd or relaxing music so that our younger children can have a rest if needed and children have the chance to reset before the afternoon.
The afternoon continues in a similar format to the morning but often a little less structured. We are usually in the garden for the majority of it. Sometimes we go for a walk or a visit to the park depending on the children we have in and their interests on the day.
2pm - The children gather in the outdoor shelter or inside depending on weather to have a drink and a little snack.
We often do games in the garden such as parachute games or we may go in the hall for games if school aren't using it.
3pm - Group Story
3.15 - 3.30pm - Children sit on the carpet and share books with each other and staff whilst waiting for parents to arrive
'Extras' -
- We often book enhancements such as dance sessions by JW Dance (Parents are asked to contribute to these)
- We arrange for local police officers to visit or a dentist, nurse etc to provide children with an awareness of their profession
- We go for nature walks around the village or we visit the park if the weather allows
- We aim to do a couple of Forest School type sessions in the summer term in the school orchard
- We do 'Relax Kids' sessions in the afternoons to encourage calmness and mindfulness, we often follow this with Children's Yoga to help increase balance and posture.
- We sometimes do games in the school hall
- At Christmas the children perform a little nativity play in the school hall
- A the end of the summer term, we have an end of year party with a children's entertainer